Frequently Asked Questions

If you need further assistance, please contact the STARS! Helpdesk at or 313 567-0125 ext 472 or 293.

  1. I can’t sign on?

    Your initial user ID and password will be in all CAPS. Once you sign in you will be required to change your password, which will be case sensitive.

  2. Why does nothing happen when I click legal scan or spell check?

    Make sure the pop-up blocker is disabled, on your internet browser, and both the scan and spell check will work.

  3. Will my comments be a permanent part of the review form?

    Yes. All comments made by the employee, manager, and 2nd manager, will become a permanent part of the final review form. Any other communication not intended to be part of the review form should be written on the email page before sending the form.

  4. Can I delete a goal?

    Goals can only be deleted by your manager, or by the STARS helpdesk. The employee that made the goal can only edit them. The edit icon is located on the far right, under “actions.”

  5. Why can’t I see my form?

    To view a form that has been routed to another party, click on the performance tab and click “all forms.” You will be able to see all of your forms and their current status.

  6. Can I make new goals?

    Goals can be created by the employee or the manager at any time. A discussion should take place between the manager and the employee before a goal is created. This promotes communication and synergy.

  7. What is the difference between public and private goals?

    When a goal is created as a private goal,it is only viewable by the employee and their manager. If made public, it is viewable by all employees. This is only beneficial when all business units have the same goal (ex: Learn and Exercise our Company Core Values). Goals have a defaulted private status. Caution should be used when making any goal public.

  8. How do I view the overall ratings after completing the appraisal form?

    The form must be processed to calculate the overall ratings. To process the form, click the SAVE icon (floppy diskette icon on the form). Scroll your mouse over the button to view its name/function.

  9. Will my form be saved automatically?

    No. Only by processing the form after saving or moving it to the next level will ensure your data is saved. We encourage you to save often during the process to make sure you will not lose any data.

  10. How are the routing buttons used?

    The review process was designed to allow communication back and forth between employee and supervisors. A green arrow will advance the form to the next level in the route map. The blue arrow will route the form back (if required for editing).